It felt empty when the heart went at first but it’s alright now — Clean Break



It felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

Written by Lucy Kirkwood
Directed by Lucy Morrison
7 October 2009 – 31 October 2009

"I know exactly how much I am worth. I am worth 1000 Euros because that is how much Babac paid for me.To put this in easy language, that is like two and a half iPhones."

Written by Lucy Kirkwood
Directed by Lucy Morrison

Arcola Theatre, London

It felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

7 October 2009 – 31 October 2009

Dijana is a victim of crime, a victim of gross inhumanity. But she is not a victim in herself. She has survived. Shis is broken, maybe to the point of irrepair, but she keeps going, she finds coping mechanisms, lies to herself, yes - but is still telling her own story, still trying to work out the world she finds herself in, still battling.

Performed by Hara Yannas and Madeline Appiah, the audience discover what captivity can do to you, the particular effects it has on women, their coping mechanisms and the kind of relationships they form.

It felt empty when the heart went at first bit it is alright now ran from 7th - 31st October in Arcola Theatre in 2009.

Cast and Creatives

Hara Yannas

Madeline Appiah

Lucy Morrison

Chloe Lamford

Anna Watson
Lighting Designer

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Becky Smith
Sound Designer

With her huge, sensitive eyes and her delicate frame, the beautiful Hara Yannas is magnificent in the role. She is piercing, yet absolutely true to the script's conception of this girl as a grotesquely abused victim of one of capitalism's more hellish tricks, but not always a victim in her own mind's eye.

Paul Taylor - Independent

This is so much more than the sum of its parts, and Dijana (a heartbreaking and mesmerising Hara Yannas) is no stereotyped victim, but a complex creation – a woman full of bravado and yet so vulnerable that if you touched her, she might crumble to dust.

Lyn Gardner - The Guardian

This modern-day take on the slave trade is emotionally draining - a testament to Kirkwood’s writing, Morrison’s direction, the cast and all-female production team.

Jackie Cobham - The Telegraph


It Felt Empty - The Guardian

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