— Clean Break



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a photo of a pregnant woman

Why the campaign to end the imprisonment of pregnant women must include new mothers

An introduction to the research behind our touring production, Scenes from Lost Mothers
women at a Clean Break workshop sat on chairs in a circle, the Big Give logo in the corner

How can the arts help break the cycle of gender-based violence and criminalisation?

Jacqueline Stewart, Head of Participation and Deputy CEO and a Clean Break Member share their insights on how survivors are swept into the criminal justice system, and what Clean Break can do to help.
a still from Buddleia: the unchained story

10 Stories by Black Artists That Reclaim the Narrative

Clean Break's Associate Artistic Director Lakesha Arie-Angelo shares her picks from stage and screen for Black History Month
still from Hope

Hope: Clean Break Member Review

Member Susannah shares her interpretation of our film Hope
Still from Buddleia: The Unchained Story

Buddleia: Clean Break Member Review

Member Pepe shares her interpretation of the film Buddleia: The Unchained Story
a still from Sandwiches. A woman sits on the ground on a street, she appears to be homeless

Sandwiches: Clean Break Member Review

Member Su shares her thoughts on the film Sandwiches
Still from Violet Gave Willingly

Violet Gave Willingly: Clean Break Member Review

Member artist Kim Theresa (KT) Marsh shares her interpretation of the film Violet Gave Willingly
still from Home

Home: Clean Break Member Review

Member Claire shares her review of the film Home
Natasha Jean Sparkes in Boiling Frogs

Boiling Frogs: Clean Break Member Review

Member Claire shares her interpretation of the film Boiling Frogs
a still from Adra Ni Y Mor

Adra Ni Y Môr: Clean Break Member Review

Member Sofi M shares her interpretation of the film Adra Ni Y Môr
still from After Time

Barristers from Red Lion Chambers Review Clean Break's Film Festival

Expert insights into the themes in our Film Festival Programme
An illustration of 2 magical women in the clouds

Five Strategies for Resisting Darkness

The cast and creatives behind the audio adaptation of A Proposal for Resisting Darkness share their personal tools for resisting darkness
Natasha on a stage, looking upwards, surrounded by Clean Break Members

Preventing violence by investing in hope

Clean Break Trustee and Agenda Alliance Deputy-CEO, Jess Southgate responds to this years 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence campaign
A production photo from Blank

Alice Birch: “How society treats its most vulnerable says everything”

Arts journalist Holly Williams talks to Alice Birch on all things [BLANK]
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